Welcome to . . .

Union Gospel Mission of Grays Harbor

Welcome to . . .

Union Gospel Mission of Grays Harbor

“I am writing a new chapter in my life.”

“I was sick of living in sin,” says Shannon. That lifestyle started because of a series of losses. First his mom, the only parent who showed him love, died. Shortly after, he injured his back at work and was unable to return to his job as an automotive machinist.

The pain medication he was given for his injuries led to addiction to methamphetamines. “I ended up in jail and
I was mad at God for letting bad things happen to good people,” Shannon shares.

His life changed when he read the Bible in jail. “I found out I was mad at God for all the wrong reasons. That’s when I gave my life to Christ,” says Shannon. “I was sick of sin at that point. I knew I would never go back.”

When Shannon got out of jail, it was his first time being on the streets. He was relieved when Union Gospel Mission of Grays Harbor welcomed him. “I was so thankful for that,” Shannon says. “I joined the New Foundation Program then. I was ready for the change, and I knew what I wanted.”

Having to reprogram himself has been a challenge, but Shannon says, “I’ve learned that the Bible is an instructional book on how to navigate through life.”

He is grateful for the opportunities, tools and resources that the Mission provided. He now works as our Men’s Director. “I found my calling in life. It’s amazing. I love everybody and I love to help people,” he says. By helping others, Shannon has also learned a lot about himself, healing and forgiveness.

“The Mission is giving people a new way of life. I have so much hope and I can give it to other people,” he says.

This fall, Shannon gives thanks for YOU and your incredible generosity. Your prayers and support have helped change his life. “Before I came to the Mission, I was lost. Now, I’m a child of God. I know who I am
now. I found myself.”

“I have so much hope and I can give it to other people.”

Sometimes I wonder, what would become of the struggling neighbors Union Gospel Mission of Grays Harbor cares for if it wasn’t for your compassion and generosity?

I think of people like Shannon, whose story you can read above – his testimony is a powerful reminder of how God works through the gifts and prayers of friends like you to transform lives, now and for eternity! I thank God for how YOU are providing hope, help and healing to people who are hurting in our community.

From the essentials of food, warm clothing and safe shelter… to long-term healing and stability through our New Foundations program – with you beside us and Christ as our foundation – our ministry can provide all this and even more life-changing services this fall.

As we prepare to serve an estimated 15,500 meals to our hungry neighbors, I pray you’ll continue to share your time, talent and gifts with our ministry, knowing God will use your blessings to restore hope in many lives.

Thank you for giving me – and countless guests at Union Gospel Mission of Grays Harbor – a reason to give thanks this fall!

Charley Capoeman
Executive Director

405 E Heron, Aberdeen, WA

Monday thru Friday:
-Breakfast: 7am
-Lunch: Noon
-Dinner: 7pm
-Dayroom is open to sit and rest from 7am to 7pm

-Brunch: 10:30am
-Dinner: 5pm
-Dayroom is open to sit and rest from 10:30am to 5pm

-Breakfast: 7:30am
-Dinner: 4pm


CLICK HERE to read the latest Newsletter.


“A new commandment I give unto you, That ye love one another; as I have loved you, that ye also love one another” (John 13:34).

VISION . . .

The vision of the Union Gospel Mission of Grays Harbor (UGM) is to see Graduates that are self-supporting members of the community; the community viewing UGM as part of the solution to the problem, and greater understanding that Christ is the source of life transformation.


The mission of the Union Gospel Mission of Grays Harbor (UGM) is to provide effective programs that deal with the cause and aid in the prevention of homelessness, to tell the story of UGM clearly so that the community is engaged; and to offer life transformation through Christ to all.

During the busy fall season, the number of guests we welcome at Union Gospel Mission of Grays Harbor steadily increases! And with more people to care for, our needs also increase.

Imagine trying to get by even a single day without these essential items! Sadly, the struggling neighbors we serve often arrive at our doors with little but the clothes on their backs.

This fall, you’re invited to give thanks by giving back! Help us meet these and other immediate needs of our neighbors.


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