
Shelter Beds for Women & Women with Children at Friendship House: 513 North “G” Street, Aberdeen, WA — Some age restrictions on male children. Call 360-533-2221 for more info if needed. At Friendship House, our 38 bed women’s and children’s facility, many women and children receive the love, care, safety and support they need to get their lives back in order. The New Foundation Program is also available at Friendship House.
It is amazing to us how a community as small as ours could have such a large need for shelter. Over the last year at the Mission and Friendship House we have averaged fifty beds a night but many nights we have slept seventy. That means there are at least fifty less people a night wandering our neighborhoods looking for a place to sleep. We are happy that our ministry is here for those in need. But we are happier still that through this ministry many have been given a chance to see that there is a better way through life. Our mission statement says that the Union Gospel Mission endeavors to meet the physical needs of the least, the last and the lost while telling the Good News of Jesus Christ.
At the Heron Street Facility at 405 East Heron in Aberdeen, more than 38 men each night can receive shelter, a shower and clean clothing, as well as a staff member to talk or pray with them. This is much, much more than an emergency shelter, for many the Heron Street Facility becomes a place of transition out of the homeless cycle. Receiving help with basic needs such as food, clothing and shelter can help each man stabilize as he focuses on the rest of the issues that brought him to the Union Gospel Mission. For those men wanting to see their lives truly changed, we offer the New Foundation Program.
All of our services are free of charge thanks to the generosity of our supporters. Thanks to our donors, the two shelters were able to offer 18,454 bed nights to homeless men, women and children in 2015.
If you are interested in becoming more involved as a donor or volunteer, our staff would love to take you on a tour of our facilities. Please call us at 360-533-1064 to schedule a time, most of those who have toured with us leave with a greater appreciation of what their investment is doing!