Welcome to . . .

Union Gospel Mission of Grays Harbor

Welcome to . . .

Union Gospel Mission of Grays Harbor

Susan was the oldest of five children – all from different fathers. Her home life was defined by dysfunction. Lacking parental guidance, Susan was forced into adult responsibilities at a very young age. By 14, she was out on her own… and already drinking. “I numbed my pain to forget the chaos,” she remembers.

As an adult, Susan struggled with low self-esteem. “I thought nobody liked me, so I stayed inside my shell. I felt spiritually hopeless, angry and disappointed.” She spiraled deeper into addiction, and often found herself in abusive living situations.

One day, when Susan was drinking, she fell down the stairs and broke her jaw in multiple places. Aside from being incredibly painful, it was also a wakeup call. “I suddenly realized I didn’t want to die from my alcoholism, and I became determined to change,” she shares.

When Susan arrived at the Mission, she was welcomed with compassion and love into a place of healing. “I immediately felt God’s presence here,” she says, smiling. With biblical support, she found sobriety and worked through past traumas. “I feel renewed and revitalized,” she says. “I can be myself and be liked and accepted!”

At the Mission, Susan became part of a support system. “Everybody takes care of each other. I’d never witnessed that before!” Susan gives back by sorting and laundering items destined for our clothing bank. “I finally feel like I have potential… and something to offer others in need.”

Susan now has strength for her future because of your heart of compassion for her and other neighbors in need. Because you chose to share God’s love, she has a path forward in life. “Thanks to the Mission, there’s more to my life today: a new hope, a new future, a new everything!”

What does summer mean to you? Family vacations… lazy mornings… afternoons at the park or by the pool. As a kid, you probably remember time standing still over summer. Yet, now these months seem to be busier than ever…

Between work, family and community responsibilities, endless “to-do” lists crowd our days. In some ways, the “lazy days of summer” may be a thing of the past.

We’ve seen this at Union Gospel Mission of Grays Harbor for a while now. As supporters in our community stay busy with summer plans, donations tend to drop off. I’m thankful you haven’t forgotten about the needs of your neighbors – and that you respond with a heart of compassion… which is why I need your help.

As we enter our 3-month Love Your Neighbor campaign, I hope I can count on you. Please give generously each month of this season to help the men, women and children in Grays Harbor who are
hurting and homeless.

Thank you for remembering to share love with your neighbors in need this summer – no matter how leisurely or lively these months may be.

Charley Capoeman
Executive Director

405 E Heron, Aberdeen, WA

Monday thru Friday:
-Breakfast: 7am
-Lunch: Noon
-Dinner: 7pm
-Dayroom is open to sit and rest from 7am to 7pm

-Brunch: 10:30am
-Dinner: 5pm
-Dayroom is open to sit and rest from 10:30am to 5pm

-Breakfast: 7:30am
-Dinner: 4pm


CLICK HERE to read the latest Newsletter.


“A new commandment I give unto you, That ye love one another; as I have loved you, that ye also love one another” (John 13:34).

VISION . . .

The vision of the Union Gospel Mission of Grays Harbor (UGM) is to see Graduates that are self-supporting members of the community; the community viewing UGM as part of the solution to the problem, and greater understanding that Christ is the source of life transformation.


The mission of the Union Gospel Mission of Grays Harbor (UGM) is to provide effective programs that deal with the cause and aid in the prevention of homelessness, to tell the story of UGM clearly so that the community is engaged; and to offer life transformation through Christ to all.


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