About Us
About Us
Homelessness – Poverty – Despair. These words speak to the lives we work with.
The Union Gospel Mission of Grays Harbor is here for one reason. To help these descriptions change for those that want it.
As a Rescue Mission, we chart a path for homeless or near homeless men, women and children from hopelessness to hope by addressing the main problems they struggle with.
The Problems We Are Working On:
The Twin Harbors area of southwest Washington State has a serious problem. Too many are homeless or are near homeless. From the chronic to those at-risk of becoming homeless, these members of our communities need our help.
Individuals and families are struggling against homelessness at three different levels.
- For the temporarily homeless, their problems can come from job loss and layoffs, other personal and financial loss, abuse, violence, addiction, lack of education, criminal behavior, absence of life skills training, broken families and health issues.
- For those who don’t get help immediately many become the chronic homeless. Their problems come from bad choices, psychological problems, addiction, a criminal background, and are almost always linked to despair and hopelessness.
- There are also an uncounted number who are on the brink of homelessness, struggling to survive and needing help to stay afloat.
Today, many individuals are dealing with this issue at some level within the 400 square mile area served by the Union Gospel Mission of Grays Harbor.
This is impacting the Twin Harbors communities in many ways.
- Visibility, Loitering, Vagrancy
- Crime, and its cost of police services and property loss
- Property values are negatively impacted
- The Social Services network costs for health care and other services
- Higher cost of keeping children of homeless families in school
- Perceptions that Twin Harbors area is a haven for the homeless” and that the community isn’t “Safe” for families
Left alone, the problem only gets worse, increasing the cost of fixing it later. More important is the fact that more lives will be wasted when they could have been helped.
Fortunately there are agencies and government programs that are trying to help. Many offer meals, transitional housing, and other short-term services focused on helping as many as they can to get immediate help. In many cases, these community based services connect the homeless individual to a source of help, and meet many of the short-term physical needs.
But for many, a long-term solution is needed in order to get to the root causes of homelessness and addictions. These “visible symptoms” are caused by deeper problems that a meal and warm bed simply can’t reach.
Fortunately, the Union Gospel Mission has developed an effective program of recovery for Men, Women and Families.
Through an individualized Biblical approach to recovery, this innovative program connects the individual with needed community services, and designs a personalized plan for helping them work through the issues that caused their homelessness or addiction.
It is a structured system of accountability that allows a person to heal and restore their lives. Fortunately it works.