

Our Services

As a Rescue Mission, we often confront the idea that all we do is provide a haven for the homeless, give them a meal and pray over them. Nothing could be further from the truth.

Our Mission Services are designed to deal with all the areas of homelessness, from those on the edge who are about to lose everything to those who have been living on the streets for years and everything in between.

The Path to Recovery is different for each person, but recovery is what we are all about at Union Gospel Mission.

Please take a moment to browse our services by clicking the links under “Our Services.” You may be surprised at how many lives we are able to touch through this ministry.

We are able to continue to reach hearts and change lives because of the generosity of businesses, churches, organizations, foundations and people like you. If you’d like to help in this ministry, please consider an investment of your time, things, or treasure God has blessed you with.

Union Gospel Mission of Grays Harbor is a member of the Association of Gospel Rescue Missions.


“A new commandment I give unto you, That ye love one another; as I have loved you, that ye also love one another” (John 13:34).


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